November 1940 (Approximate)

65 Gardenia Ave




Dear Frank & Anne

I guess you will be surprised to hear from me as they way old Hitler is spreading  news that we are bombed into submission you will think we are all dead, but I am afraid that all he does as talk is cheap and he can’t buy anything else.

            Well we are all doing well here as we are waiting for the word go & that will be his down fall.

Mum & Dad & the rest are OK as I was home for seven days leave and they were doing fine as pops  is learning to drive when I get home on leave again.  I see them every week as I get a couple of days off & I am not far from them.

I expect that you & James will be up when they start over there.

Uncle Charlie died in September and the Mc.s have the place to them selves he had some kind of trouble that he could not eat but they fed him on Brandy.


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